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Radipole Lake & Weymouth area

RSPB Radipole Lake Radipole Park Drive, Weymouth, United Kingdom

Leader - Simon Ashley Hugh Venables / Bearded Tit (Panurus biarmicus) September is a transitional month, marking the end of summer and the beginning of autumn migration. Timing our visit hopefully means we’ll  get to see a mix of summer visitors, resident birds, those arriving for winter and those migratory species passing through. We’ve visited Radipole Lake… Read More »Radipole Lake & Weymouth area


Chipping Sodbury Common

Chipping Sodbury Common Horton Road

Leader - Dot Jones Irvin calicut, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons Just over the Gloucestershire border is Chipping Sodbury Common.   A fabulous open, scrubby area with a few random hedgerows - is great place to pick up some migrants and lingering summer visitorrs.   We'll be looking for Winchat, Redstarts and hoping for the odd… Read More »Chipping Sodbury Common

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