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Where we go birding

Birding Sites

Birding Sites
The Vale North Norfolk Coast Pembrokeshire Spurn Forest of Dean Midlands Severn Estuary Somerset Levels Steart Marshes Dorset Berks and Sussex Hampshire Exe Newport Wetlands

The Vale

Our home patch with lots of great birding sites

Slimbridge - Premier Gloucestershire Birding Site.  A regular outing always led by top guides.

Frampton - An excellent well watched site 4 visits per year tracking the seasons

North Norfolk Coast

From the Snettisham Spectaculr to Cley anfd all those cool sites in between - we try and do a regular residential


Puffins galore - A fabulous wildlife area - taking in Skomer / Pelagic Trips / and National Park Sites.


Hard to beat as a destination - we try and attend the superb Autumnal MigFest on alternate years.

Forest of Dean

Hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes)

several trips in a typical year.   Visiting RSPB Nagshead / Woorgreens Crabtree Hill / New Fancy View.
We target Flycatchers / Nightjar / Wood Warbler / Woodcock / Goshawk / Dipper / Crossbill / Hawfinch


Rutland Water - Osprey Mecca

Attenborough Reserve

Severn Estuary

Severn Estuary - several sites along this Ramsar designated area

From Severn Beach and Aust - renowned for storm vagrants and Short-Eared Owls

Sharpness through to and Oldbury Powerstation - reliable sites for Black Redstart

Somerset Levels

Fabulous Avian hotspots

Avalon Marshes , Ham Wall, West Hay, Shapwick Heath

A sky full of starlings and a great place to see bittern

Steart Marshes

A great WWT site we visit fairly regularly


RSPB sites in Weymouth - Always a great day out

Portland Location of Great Bird Observatory - A favourite amongst our members to visit.

Spring Wheaters

Wiinter Purple Sandpiper

Berks and Sussex

Knepp - rewilding scheme

Greenham Common

Selsey Bill and Pagham Harbour

So many great places to visit


Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)

New Forest and Keyhaven

Great Birding destinations


Bowling Green Marsh

Exe Marshes and not forgetting Dawlish Warren.

Newport Wetlands

RSPB reserve and Goldcliffe Lagoons

More great sites